Purpose Of Creative Amazon A + Plus Content For The Brands

The informed buying decision is the concept that drives Amazon to promote commodities through A+ content. It is categorically meant for first-party (1P) Amazon vendors. Comprehensive comparison charts, narrative copy, interactive displays, bigger images, qualitative video content integration are some of the special features that can be added through Amazon A+ Content for showcasing the brand precisely. It has successfully boosted sales from 3 to 10%. Let’s browse some of the stated purposes of A+ content.

A+ Content – Casting a stronger first impression

With Amazon marketing mix of A+ contents, you can capture the first impression by integrating value-added visuals and videos. Through an accomplished digital shopping experience you can highlight your commodities with infographics, short videos and dynamic bullet points with scan-able headers for an overview. This highlights the information that customer is searching for or you intend to fetch attention.

A+ Content – From a visual perspective

The size and resolution of each image of your website should be of right size and resolution. It can cast a 360-degree product view to the consumer. Other platform allows deviation which leads to disorientation of customer’s decision. But Amazon enhanced A+ brand contents rejects content with any deviation in size. Error content itself gets unapproved. Moreover, through this service, you can add leverage banners which fetch the attention as a new section for shopping. Hence with proper product image, content and segment assortment, A+ contents are successful. It concedes to minimal text with more visuals and uniform designs. in fact this is a great tool for Ecommerce PR as well.

A Plus Content – Cross Sale with Comparison Chart

In the era of digital competition, all brands have bounteous options to lure customers. But to stand alone your brand as the first preference of customers you really need to compare products virtually which are on the same line. Through Amazon A Plus Content you can put comparison chart of similar ASIN’s or products that enable the customer to discover or compare the same product of different brands without being navigated from the detail page of your product.

A+ Content – Premium Interactive experience

It features a premium user interface and interactive experience. The 7 modules enhanced visual system shows product images in full-width size that cast an impression on the viewer’s mind. The hotspot module responds to customer’s hovering on product features and the carousel module enables scroll through support. Each product page is integrated with voice friendly and mobile-friendly features POWERED BY Amazon’s Alexa system.

Broadly listed FAQs

In engaging layout, it answers all set of questions of consumers through specially designed interactive FAQ list. It also appeals to different shopping style with interactive information. In a nutshell, it can be said that in one short customer should get all details of the object without being pained for further search.

The basic A+ content is enabled free of cost for (1P) clients. But the Amazon A plus details is the integration of virtual shopping that gives the retail-like touch with hand experience. But unlike retail, with the efficacy of digital shopping, it can bring all comparison details on your palates without any further hopping around.

The task is to create Amazon A+ content templates for products. Broad scope of work:
– Photoshoot (if required)
– Content / copies
– Design / layout
– Uploading the content


Amazon A+ Branded Content Design Pricing:

1. SKUs range 1 – 30: Creative modules + Content  – INR 1600 each SKU

2. SKUs range 30 – 100: Creative modules + Content  – INR 1400 each SKU

Call us at 9674975029 to create A Plus Content  for Amazon.