Amazon A+ content is a very new concept that boomed out in the beginning of this year. The basic A+ content was precise but now the A+ content has some special features for accomplished digital shopping flamboyance that vigorously influences informed buying decision. Its only endeavor is to focus on 360 degree closer display of product. Before you create your account and apply for an ASIN or any merchandise you need to follow some Amazon brand guidelines to yield the best result. This guideline has listed down all dos and don’ts to follow while creating such advertisement for your company products.
Your eligibility for A+ Enhanced Marketing
Followings are points to adhere to confirm your eligibility to put your commodity on A+ enhanced marketing platform:-
- No other vendor listed – Only those products which no other vendor has registered or applied for A+ enhanced brand content are eligible to put up for ASIN’s registration.
- Content submission – Within 1 month of Purchase Order confirmation, the vendor has to submit all necessary contents like images, videos, description, and subsequent dynamics to let the ad publish.
- Unique Images – Images and videos should be focused on features and quality of the product.
Consumption rule
A single vendor is allowed to consume only 5 Amazon A+ enhanced content marketing benefits. Which means only with 5 products you can create your ASIN. Hence it has given the limited opportunity as has just kick-started this platform. Maybe down the line, this consumption process will broaden.
Organic boost
The resurgence of Amazon branded content with enhanced A+ details doesn’t provide any organic boost. It rather precisely exhibits the product that can give a feel of touch and provide maximum information to let the customer compare and buy the product where he/she is satisfied with making such a buying decision.
Cancellation right
On many unfulfilling occasion Amazon can remove the vendor’s Amazon enhanced content A+ ad. Some of the reason may be violating policy or failing PO or closed vendors account and lot so many. It is not limited to any specific reason.
Image perfection
Images, videos, info graphs or any such diagrammatic presentation should very precisely depict the product that becomes covenant for customers to understand the product details. It should be unique and precise in what it wants to express.
One of the most important drawbacks of this ad campaign is it doesn’t get live on mobile or on the application, yet. But apart from that it has consummate all technically high-value factor and is very effective in the growth of ROI.