Amazon A+ Content Example Template for Branding, Story Telling, Organic Sales

Professional Amazon A+ content services – better conveys the value of the product through the use of rich content. A+ Content can include high quality images, video and comparison charts. Organic conversion rates can improve as a direct result of A+ content, specifically rich content which provide shoppers with a visual feature of the vendor’s products. And this actually create trust to the shoppers and sales improves organically.

How to Create an A+ Content Detail Page for Product ?

The first step is to submit an A+ detail page request.
The Second step is, vendors must select their A+ detail page package:

  • Amazon A+ Self Services Module
  • Amazon Builds For You Module .

Amazon offers a selection of various modules including Standard & Advanced, vendors can select any modules to use on their product page. For a single Amazon A+ document, you can include maximum 5 modules at a time (now it could be increased). So you have to be selective which adding the modules/sections.

How Amazon A plus  is beneficial for the brands listed in Amazon ?

  1. Its promises to enhance your product detail page with visuals and enhanced marketing content to overcome purchase hesitations and drive brand building.
  2. With A+ content, you get the opportunity to use additional images, more creative copy, and even comparison charts to convince customers that your product is the best in its class.
  3. A plus content services can increase sales on average 3 to 10% by informing the consumer about your product and brand.
  4. Its build your brand’s look, feel, and awareness.
  5. Its easy to tell your brand’s story, highlight why your product is different, and explain what your brand does best. You can showcase unique value points for consumers who want to know why they should buy your product.

Amazon sells millions of products, so standing out is a must. A+ content helps you capture your customers’ attentions within. Opt for Amazon A+ content services now.

Examples of Amazon A+ Enhanced branded content – Creative done by us and uploaded as well: 

Amazon A+ content and Brand store page example we developed:




The task is to create Amazon A+ content templates for products. Broad scope of work:
– Photoshoot (if required)
– Content / copies
– Design / layout
– Uploading the content

Call us to develop Amazon A+ Brand enhancement content. Dial: 9674975029 Now.

Amazon A+ Branded Content Design Pricing:

1. SKUs range 1 – 30: Creative modules + Content  – INR 1200 each SKU

2. SKUs range 30 – 100: Creative modules + Content  – INR 1000 each SKU

Amazon A+ Content Design SERVICES

We can also customise a package for you. Please contact us for more information.

Digital PR World is rated 4.8 out of 5 stars | 6 Reviews from Facebook

 What’s the difference between standard Amazon A+ pages and Premium A+? A+ A++
Number of Modules Available Per Page 5 7
 Conversion Increase Brands Can Expect (according to Amazon) 3% - 10% upto 15%
 Available For all vendors By invitation 
 Modules 12 basic A+ modules 16 interactive modules + unlimited access to 12 basic A+ modules.
 Max content width 970px 1464px
 Mobile Compatibility Yes Yes

FAQs on Amazon A+ Content:

What is A+ content?
On Amazon, optimized content is essential. It helps with search and discoverability through keywords. It converts sales, which then boosts search ranking and relevance to increase sales. And, of course, it should help customers make an informed decision when it comes to differentiating from competitors, answering frequent questions, illustrating features, and providing great images.

A+ options available to vendors
Amazon offers different levels (and prices) of content. “Basic A+” is free to brands. It offers five modules, and a good opportunity for brands to expand on their indexed keywords, images, and product info.

“Premium A+” content offers all this and goes a step further. It offers brands seven modules, with even richer content. This includes full-width images, videos up to three minutes in length, mobile-friendly layouts, Alexa-integrated options, and more.

Why use A+?
With millions of products on Amazon in hundreds of categories, and with 60% of sales these days coming from third-party sellers, it’s important to differentiate yourself from competition.

According to Dani Thompson, a Senior Client Manager for Vendor Society, optimized content is essential on Amazon, but optimized A+ content is essential to succeeding on Amazon:

“A detail page is your one chance to talk to the customer about your product. It’s your virtual sales person, and your only opportunity to answer any questions which might be bubbling in their mind. Each customer may have a different question, but they’ll scan your content to find the answer they’re looking for. As longs as your content is interesting, well laid-out and informative, it won’t be wasted,” said Thompson.

Help with A+ content
A+ content can be an investment–whether you are creating content and designing assets in-house or enlisting help. Ensuring a return on that investment is essential. It’s imperative to understand how it all works together. From selecting the correct ASINs for A+ content, to knowing how SEO, optimization, branding, images, guidelines, and analytics all work together to create a successful detail page. Expert help on A+ content can ultimately save you time and money by cutting down on re-submissions. Plus, technical know-how is beneficial when it comes to Amazon-specific details, layout, and design.