How Online PR can Complement ORM?

If you are a product company (tangible and intangible both), the common issues you can face:

  1. Complaint on products
  2. Customer support
  3. Delivery issue
  4. Installation issue
  5. Communication guidelines
  6. Product quality, satisfaction etc
  7. Service related issues

If you are a service company, the common issues you can face w.r.t reputation:

  1. Value creation
  2. On-time delivery (reports, meetings etc)
  3. Communication with the client is key
  4. Poor quality of work or work not matched by the latest trend

Now the question is, who the target audience involved with the related issues are:

  1. Your own employee
  2. Technology
  3. Delivery team – in-house and agency both

So you know where the risk is involved and who could be the potential victims. Here comes the role of PR, both internal communication and external communication: strategic and risk mitigating.

What are the common forms of online reputation risks:

  1. Negative comments in open forums and social media
  2. Content circulation in networks
  3. Micro site or blog posts with reputation damaging words

How we can help you in managing the online reputation:

  1. Guidelines and training for employees what to speak
  2. Internal communication plan
  3. Risk mitigating content promotion plan
  4. Taking out the negative posts out of Google rankings
  5. Helping the team to get more positive comments
  6. Guide to address negative comments


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