Full-Cycle Amazon PPC Management Services:

Managing an Amazon business requires time and constant attention to detail. Amazon PPC is one of the largest components of your business that you’ll spend money on. Without a solid plan, good oversight, and an exceptional understanding of the system, you’ll overspend. You may become frustrated.

Amazon PPC Management Strategy Involves:

  1. Keyword Recommendation File: Combining all the relevant, converting, profitable as well as long tail and competitors’ keywords specially collected for PPC ad campaign. Plus adding the keywords in the campaign according to its correct match type (Broad, Phrase and Exact)
  2. Creation of New Campaigns: Starting from scratch? Don’t worry experts at eStore Factory will help you build new campaign seasoned just for your products, KPIs and target audience
  3. Product-Specific Campaigns: Creation of product and category specific campaigns to highlight the best selling products and optimize sales on low selling products.
  4. Refurbishing of Existing Campaigns: Monitoring and management of your existing low-performing campaigns by adjusting the keyword bid, weeding out non converting keywords and targeting the right keywords.
  5. Keyword Bid Optimization: Optimization of campaigns at the micro level by Constant bid scaling and adjustments at ad group level to minimize money leaks and maximize the return on investment.
  6. Negative Keywords List: Filtering, sorting and addition of negative keywords in the campaigns to avoid unwanted and non converting traffic on your detail page.
  7. Performance Evaluation at Ad-Group Level: Monitor the working and performance of campaigns through weekly analysis of search term reports and monthly sales snapshots.

Grow your business across the world’s largest online marketplace with Amazon Sponsored ads management services from Digital PR World:

With a multidimensional range of Amazon CPC services and a dedicated team at your disposal, we help you connect with potential customers. A thorough permeation into every stage of your target user’s shopping journey via creative, well-worded, and aptly placed ads ensures a higher online reach.

Simultaneously, we divert traffic on and off Amazon to your eStore listings with headline search ads and sponsored brand ads. You can also target very particular user groups with our customized ads.

Overall, our Amazon PPC management agency provides PPC and CPC ad solutions for every budget and niche.

Commercials for Amazon PPC Management:

INR 3000 + tax each month upto 40 products.

Ask or call us for Amazon PPC management case studies. 9674975029.